The BMTA, promoted and supported by the Campania Region, the City of Capaccio Paestum, the Archaeological Parks of Paestum and Velia, conceived and organized by Leader srl under the direction of Ugo Picarelli, has confirmed itself as an original event in its genre: Place for the in-depth study and dissemination of themes dedicated to the promotion of cultural tourism and the exploitation of archaeological heritage; opportunity for meeting for those involved, tourist and cultural operators, travellers and enthusiasts.
A successful format, witnessed by the prestigious sponsorships of international bodies such as UNESCO and UN Tourism and the valuable collaborations of the MiC Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Tourism with ENIT National Agency for Tourism, of the MAECI Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with AICS Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and Directorate-General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy, of the European Parliament’s Office in Italy, the Representation in Italy of the European Commission, the Province of Salerno, the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno, the National Park of Cilento Vallo di Diano e Alburni.
The Archaeological Museum of Pithecusae is present both at the stand of Regione Campania and at the stand of Città Metropolitana di Napoli.