A special night for a unique combination of archaeology, music and art. Tuesday, August 6 from 20:30 until 23:30 Villa Arbusto will open its spaces for “A night at the Museum”, initiative organized by the Municipality of Lacco Ameno, the Archaeological Museum Pithecusae, the cultural association Jaaz to propose a new way of enjoying the public cultural heritage, through an entertainment offer that will allow visitors to discover the museum pole Lacco Ameno under a different guise. With the help of the charm of the night and a performance of high level jazz music as that of Elio Coppola Trio and the participation, really extraordinary, of saxophonist Max Ionata.
In the magic of summer nights, museum spaces become the theatre of meetings and cultural events, Becoming living places where visitors experience first-hand the emotions linked to the history and fascination of an archaeological heritage such as that of Pithecusae, but also to quality music and art, multiform and international, by Lorenzo Mattotti, whose works on display in the rooms of Villa Gingerò can be exceptionally admired beyond the usual opening hours. Already from 20:30 you can access the museum dedicated to the ancient Pithekoussai, Settlement discovered by the archaeologist Giorgio Buchner that plays a central role in the history of Greek colonization as a landing and transit point along the routes from East and West connecting the opposite shores of the Mediterranean. At 21:30, between the gardens and terraces of Villa Arbusto overlooking the Gulf of Naples, the great jazz of Elio Coppola who, with his classic Trio, will involve the public with exciting moments together and solo inspirations.